
What the papers say ...

Newspaper articles relating to Tharston

Local, and sometimes national, newspapers can be a wonderful source of information on a diverse range of subjects. One newspaper which was certainly around in 1776, The Norfolk Chronicle, has a vast amount of information on a variety of subjects including crime, BDMs, the development of infrastructure, the church and the clergy.

The articles below are a few examples of what can be found relating to Tharston.

15 August 1840 - The Norfolk Chronicle

Tithe Commutation

Parish of THARSTON, in the County of Norfolk.

The Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales hereby give Notice, that in Pursuance of an application to that effect from William Beverley Ringer, and Robert Thurston, and others Land owners or occupiers in the parish of Tharston, in the County of Norfolk, they the said Tithe Commissioners, by virtue of the powers to that effect given by statute passed in the Third year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled "An Act to further explain and amend the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales," have declared that the lands in the said parish of Tharston shall be discharged from the liability to payment or render of tithes in kind, from the several days and periods following, that is to say - as to such of the lands in the said parish are now liable to the render of tithes in kind from the first day of October, one thousand, eight hundred and thirty nine, and as to such of the lands (if any) as are now liable to the payment of composition instead of the tithes, from the day on which such compositions shall respectively determine.

By Order of the Board

Tithe Office, 11th August, 1840.

17 August 1906 -  The Nottingham Evening Post

While Mr. John Seaman, a farmer, 70 years of age, was superintending the reaping on his farm at Tharston, Norfolk, he fell dead. It is supposed that the effects of heat and exertion produced heart collapse.

23 May 1947 - The Manchester Evening News

As a thanksoffering for a ministerial career extending over more than 50 years, the Rev. W. J. Garrould, vicar of Tharston, Norfolk, has placed a new organ in his church, and it was dedicated yesterday by the Rev. F. J. Meyrick, Rural Dean of Norwich.

6 December 1843 - Bury And Norwich Post, And East Anglian



On the 24th ult, Mr. William Smith, of Tharston, to Miss Keziah Frances, of the same place.

4 February 1832 - Perry's Bankrupt And Insolvent Gazette


Gazette. Jan. 27 - To be allowed February 17, 1832

COPPING George, of Tharston, Norfolk cordwainer

['Certificates of Conformity' (1733-1837) which, when issued, effectively discharged the bankrupt.]
3 February 1827 The Norfolk Chronicle

3 February 1827 -  The Norfolk Chronicle

Most valuable WATER CORN MILL and ESTATE at Tharston,




THIS DAY, February 17th. 1827,

At the Rampant Horse Inn, St. Stephen's, Norwich,

Precisely at Three o'clock in the Afternoon,

A Most Desirable ESTATE,

Situate at Tharston, near Long Stratton, in the county of Norfolk,

In the occupation of Mr. HENRY SPRATT,


Lot 1. A Superior and valuable WATER-MILL, driving three pair of French stones, three flour-machines, new water wheel, new oak shaft, iron spindles, hoops, wheels, and other requisite machinery, to render which complete, a sum not less than 1200l. has been expended within the last two years; there is a good head, and 10 or 11 feet fall of water, which combines with the very efficient machinery, enable the Mill to compete with any of the kind in the county in extent of business. Also a comfortable Dwelling-house and Garden, new brick and tiled waggon-lodge, with granary over the same, a large stable, harness and hay houses, and other convenient outbuildings, yards, and about nine acres of excellent arable and meadow land adjoining.

Lot 2. - A piece of Meadow Land of superior quality, containing 1A. 1R. 0P. little more or less, abbutting upon lands of Sir Robert John Harvey, west, north, and east, and upon the public road leading from Tasburgh to Tharston, in the occupation of Mr. Wicks, south.
For further Particulars and conditions of Sale apply to Mr. Matthew Rackham, Solicitor, Lower Close, to Mr. James Winter, jun. St. Giles's Broad-street, Norwich, or to the Auctioneer.

[Article repeated on 10 & 17 February 1827 in The Norfolk Chronicle and 10 February 1827 in The Norwich Gazette.]

These examples above cover topics such as BDMs, bankruptcy, sales and auctions, and local legalities. Those already transcribed are listed here. A booklet containing many instances of Tharston in the newspapers can be downloaded from the Publications section. Please note that any italic text enclosed in [ ] is additional information and is not part of the original text.

Page last updated: 11 February 2019