Can you help us?
Collating information on Tharston inhabitants
Is anyone available to help collating information on named individuals and checking the accuracy of transcriptions? This does not necessarily need computer skills but would be an advantage. There is also the project attempting to make a family tree of the village which is very labour intensive and would like some help.
Postcards or photos of Tharston
We would like to make a collection of photographs and postcards of Tharston and have very few so far. If you have any which you are willing to either give to the Society or to loan us so we can scan them, we would be most pleased to hear from you. There is currently a small project to photograph the village as it is today and we would like to be able to compare the 'now' with the past.
The Hylton family
If anyone has any information, especially photographs, about the Hylton family we would be pleased to receive it.
If anyone can help with any of the items above please make Contact. If you want an entry in this section for our members to help with please make contact detailing the help requested.
Page last updated: 11 February 2019