Our Activities
What we get up to .....
We are a friendly group of people, mainly from Tharston but some from neighbouring villages, who meet bi-monthly on the last Wednesday of the month (March, May, July, September and November), currently we are looking into venues, when we either have a visiting speaker, one of our members speaks or we have a "bring it to the meeting" session. Normally we start at 7.15 p.m. with refreshments for a 7.30 p.m. meeting start. See the next section below for details of our next meeting.
Some of our members have projects they are working on and they usually update the meetings on how they are proceeding, as well as asking for help.
If you have any ideas about future meeting topics or would be prepared to talk on a topic you have an interest in, please Contact us.
Our next meeting - t.b.c. (end of March 2024)
It is hoped that we will be able to appoint some new Trustees (we have 2 vacancies), adopt a revised Constitution and decide on the direction that the society will take.
In the meantime, a meeting/talk has been arranged for Wednesday, July 24th
2024, which will be our joint one with the Forncett Group. The details have yet to be finalised but it is likely that it will be held in Wacton Village Hall. (Further details later.) The topic for the meeting will be a talk by Pip Wright on the history that can be found from newspapers, with hopefully an emphasis on South Norfolk/North Suffolk.
If you wish to be kept up to date with our activities please email Nigel (np781@btinternet.com) if you are not already on our contact list.
Members projects ...
Our members are an active group and we have a separate page which gives information on the Projects that our members are currently undertaking.
Requests for help ...
If you have any information about Tharston, its history or the people who lived there, or could perhaps help us in some way please visit the Help page.
Tharston Reminiscences
Following a request from members at one of our meetings we are undertaking a project on collecting reminiscences about Tharston and the surrounding area. These could be anything from what it was like at school, the village fete, activities as a youngster or anything that is relevant to Tharston and the local area.
If you would like to help please download our questionaire, complete it as many times as you like and return to us. If you can email them to us then do so at web@tharston-history-society.com or make Contact and we'll make the necessary arrantgements.
A copy of the questionaire is available in MS Word or PDF format for downloading.
The One Hour Challenge
Do you have ancestors who lived in Tharston or a nearby village around 1900? If so, members of the THS would like to take on the challenge of finding out as much as we can about a line of your family in one hour. This has been tried by other societies and has proved to be most informative and enjoyable for all concerned. Many families have used this as a springboard to undertake more detailed research of their own.
Should we undertake this, the results of our findings will be presented at one of our meetings and a copy given to the family. Please note that nothing will be presented at any meeting which is remotely contentious or embarrassing without the express permission of the family. Contact us if you would like us to undertake this.
Page last updated: 26 July 2019 by NP